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Creating a simple video conferencing application

In this tutorial we will start exploring how to use the rtc-quickconnect module to create a simple video conferencing application.

Prior to completing this example it's recommended that you complete the Creating a simple chat application tutorial as it will cover some of the fundamentals of how rtc-quickconnect works.

Here is an example that captures local video and allows one or more peers to connect via video conferencing:

var quickconnect = require('rtc-quickconnect');
var media = require('rtc-media');
var crel = require('crel');

// create containers for our local and remote video
var local = crel('div', { class: 'local' });
var remote = crel('div', { class: 'remote' });
var media;
var peerMedia = {};

// capture local media
var localMedia = media();

// once media is captured, connect
localMedia.once('capture', function(stream) {
  quickconnect('', { room: 'conftest' })
    // broadcast our captured media to other participants in the room
    // when a peer is connected (and active) pass it to us for use
    .on('call:started', function(id, pc, data) {
      console.log('peer connected: ', id);

      // render the remote streams
    // when a peer leaves, remove teh media
    .on('call:ended', function(id) {
      // remove media for the target peer from the dom
      (peerMedia[id] || []).splice(0).forEach(function(el) {

// render the local media

// render a remote video
function renderRemote(id) {
  // create the peer media list
  peerMedia[id] = peerMedia[id] || [];

  return function(stream) {
    peerMedia[id] = peerMedia[id].concat(media(stream).render(remote));

/* extra code to handle dynamic html and css creation */

// add some basic styling
document.head.appendChild(crel('style', [
  '.local { position: absolute;  right: 10px; }',
  '.local video { max-width: 200px; }'

// add the local and remote elements